Creating Different Looks/Branding

Clients often want images that stand out/are different – a black and white version, “color grading” treatments, portraits vs. a headshot crop, etc. Whatever approach is used, it should be done in the context of your overall branding, not just simply “to be different”. The look should be well planned/executed, with the same attention to detail around lighting, expression, background color, and most of all consistency – not all B&W images look alike.

Color can add warmth, and a reality/in the moment kind of feel – it’s real, alive, energetic. On the other hand, photography originated as a B&W medium, We associate that look with longevity, simplicity, and With the proper lighting, B&W can also be made to look very dramatic (color can as well, but B&W even more so). Even a slightly different crop to a photograph can help it look different (see example below).

The decision comes down to your branding, industry, messaging and the feel you want to convey – and if being used used on your website, the images should fit with the sites aesthetic – If you have a website that is colorful, bright, full of energy, B&W treatments likely won’t be a good fit.

The good news is that digital photography offers a broad palette of choices – many of which can be implemented in post processing. Of course, you may want to combine several different elements to create your look – anything is possible! Some examples of different looks are shown here (none are “as shot”)