Expression is key for a Headshot


Many people get uncomfortable having their picture taken, and headshots are even more stressful as the focus is the subject’s face – up close and personal. Yet the expression is the most important element in a headshot – it’s a window into the individual themselves. Expression says “hey, I’m a fun loving friendly person”, or “I’m going to be there with you to do battle as I’m very confident in what I do”, or I’m trustworthy. Studies have shown that people form an impression on a person’s honesty, approachability, competence in as little as 80ms when viewing their photograph!

For an expression to work, the eyes and the mouth need to be working in unison – if the eyes wide open like a deer caught in the headlights, it’s not going to go well with a smile, and the photograph looks “posed”. Or if the eyes have no energy (ie, bored or tired) and the mouth is smiling, you’ll wind up with that high school yearbook picture that everyone tries to forget.

How much of a smile is best? This gets back to branding – the criminal attorney wants to show they’re competent, ready to do battle and fight for you so a slight smile with “focused” eyes conveys that confidence and power. On the other hand, a career coach would like have a broader smile with a different level of energy as it’s important to convey friendliness along with confidence/experience. In the examples below, Asya on the left is in sales operations, so she wants to come across as very friendly/approachable with warm smile and energy as her primary “vibe”. Afton on the right is a dermatologist, and wants to appear knowledgeable/confident and also friendly.