Clothing Options for Headshots

Clothing plays an important role in the look/branding of headshots The clothing “formality” creates different impressions, in concert with other aspects of the headshot. For professional services such as financial services, law, etc. the widely accepted look is more formal. Other businesses such as technology tend to have more of a business casual look that varies between open shirt/shirt and suit jacket for men, or dresses/blouse/suit jacket for women.

Regardless of the formality of the look, there are several clothing tips that help make great images: Avoid bold patterns as they can distract the eye - solid colors work best. If you plan on wearing a jacket/blazer, darker colors work best as they not only help people look slimmer, they direct the eye towards the face of the subject, and “bound” a lighter colored shirt or blouse. For guys, if you’re not wearing a tie, button down shirts are typically a neater look. For women, avoid large jewelry pieces such as necklaces/large earrings as they can be distracting. The examples here show how different clothing options create different looks and impressions.

Regardless of the style, wearing something that fits well, you feel comfortable in, and like is key. Keep in mind that sometimes outfits don’t necessarily look as good “under the lights”, so I always have my clients bring clothing options (we try different background options as well). Finally, be sure the clothing fits you well, is in good shape, and is neatly pressed.