Branding and Headshots

Branding, whether you’re an business or an individual, is increasingly important as your target audience is exposed to more brands all the time. It’s important that your brand help you stand out, differentiate yourself from your competition yet support your values, your expertise and experience.

If you’ve already invested in consciously developing your brand, you know that consistency in messaging and your look, as well as it’s quality will help you be recognized, but remain top of mind with your potential customers. The first impression, and subsequent ones that tie together help to build trust and confidence.

Your headshot(s) should also reflect your brand – a high quality, consistent look that forms a great first and lasting impression that resonates with your target audience. And, it should be consistent with your branding. The messaging and branding for a criminal attorney focused law firm will be very different from that of healthcare services firm, and their headshots should also be different.

What elements create the different looks for headshots, and how do they work together? More on that next time.